CLIENT: Zeit leo, a German magazine for children aged 7 and above. It features challenging puzzles, current news, and interesting facts about animals and the environment, along with suggestions for reading, creating, playing, and cooking.
BRIEF: Create an illustrated cover with a jungle theme.
SOLUTION: In this capture, I focused on the two protagonists, immersing them in the green atmosphere of the jungle. The scene features a crocodile, an imposing and dangerous animal, with its legs tied by a little bird. I enjoy engaging the viewer's mind, prompting them to wonder: What will happen next?
ITACLIENT: Zeit leo, a German magazine for children aged 7 and above. It features challenging puzzles, current news, and interesting facts about animals and the environment, along with suggestions for reading, creating, playing, and cooking.
BRIEF: Create an illustrated cover with a jungle theme.
SOLUTION: In this capture, I focused on the two protagonists, immersing them in the green atmosphere of the jungle. The scene features a crocodile, an imposing and dangerous animal, with its legs tied by a little bird. I enjoy engaging the viewer's mind, prompting them to wonder: What will happen next?
IL CLIENTE: Zeit leo una rivista tedesca per bambini dai 7 anni in su. All'interno si possono trovare: enigmi complicati, novità attuali e fatti interessanti sugli animali e sull'ambiente, suggerimenti per leggere, creare, giocare e cucinare.
IL BRIEF: partecipare al contest creando una copertina illustrata a tema giungla.
SOLUZIONE: In questo scatto, ho catturato il momento focalizzandomi sui due protagonisti, immergendoli nell'atmosfera verde della giungla. La scena presenta un coccodrillo, un animale imponente e pericoloso, con le zampe legate da un uccellino. Mi piace stimolare la mente dello spettatore, incitandolo a chiedersi: cosa succederà dopo?